Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
Bahasa Indonesia
Bachelor of Education in Fashion Technology UNY formulated the programme learning outcomes (PLO) based on government policy, vision and mission of the university and degree programme, and feedback from stakeholders. In general, the PLOs cover domains: attitude, knowledge, specific skills, and generic skills which are specified as follows:
a. Being devoted to God Almighty and showing a religious attitude;
b. Having good morals, ethics, and personality in completing their duties;
c. Acting as citizens who are proud and love their homeland and support world peace;
d. Demonstrating collaboration, social sensitivity and high concern for the community and the environment;
e. Respecting the diversity of cultures, views, beliefs, and religions
f. Upholding law enforcement and the public interest first.
a. Mastering the theoretical concepts of pedagogy and knowledge in the field of fashion studies;
b. Mastering the concepts, principles, and application of various learning methods for fashion oriented to life skills;
g. Mastering the principles and techniques of planning and evaluating fashion learning;
c. Mastering procedures and analyzing fashion education research;
d. Mastering the theoretical concepts of fashion, with the support of sociology, anthropology, psychology, management, communication and cultural arts, as a basis for analyzing and implementing educational services for students in vocational schools.
a. Able to utilize relevant science and technology in the scope of fashion education to understand the students' potential in Vocational School of Tourism in the field of fashion in formal education;
b. Able to develop the Fashion Technology curriculum in VHS;
c. Able to plan, implement and evaluate various fashion studies;
d. Able to develop and manage fashion education learning in accordance with pedagogical principles;
e. Able to apply various approaches and methods of learning fashion education;
f. Able to utilize ICT-based learning media in learning fashion;
g. Able to make strategic decisions based on analysis of information and data in determining various alternatives to meet the learning needs among VHS students in in the field of fashion expertise based on humanitarian values and human rights;
h. Able to show performance in practical fashion education that can be accounted for by service users, stakeholders, and society by applying the basic principles of critical thinking in humanitarianism and in the practice of fashion education empowerment;
i. Able to conduct research and make strategic decisions with full accountability and responsibility for all aspects under the responsibility of fashion education.
a. Applying logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking for developing or implementing science and/or technology based on the field of fashion expertise;
b. Assessing the implications of developing or implementing science, technology or art in accordance with fashion expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics to produce solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticism and compiling a scientific works in the form of a thesis or final project report;
c. Making decisions appropriately in the context of problem solving in the field of fashion expertise based on the analysis results of information and data;
d. Managing learning fashion independently;
e. Developing and maintaining networks with mentors, colleagues, peers both inside and outside the institution.
Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
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