Fakultas Teknik Kampus Karangmalang, Yogyakarta, 55281
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Vision, Goals, and Strategies for Achieving Study Program Goals
- Scientific Vision of the Study Program
To be a barometer of the Fashion Education Study Program in Indonesia that can produce superior, creative and innovative educators and education personnel in the field of fashion based on devotion, independence and wisdom by the demands of science and technology development in the global era in 2025
- Study Program Objectives (related to graduate profiles)
The Fashion Education Study Program aims to produce graduates who can:
a. Teaching and educating students in formal, non-formal, and informal educational units as teachers and instructors with Fashion Design expertise
b. Designing, producing fashion, holding fashion shows and things related to fashion production, both as fashion designers, pattern makers, merchandisers, production planners, quality controllers, and other professions related to fashion products
c. Establish and manage a business in the field of fashion or education as an entrepreneur (fashion/edu-preneur)
3. Strategy for Achieving Study Program Goals
a. Improving competence as prospective educators through learning activities that are relevant to the needs of the world of education
b. Improving practical skills through productive learning relevant to the needs and developments of science and technology
c. Encouraging graduates to become fashion/edu-preneurs through lecture activities that integrate entrepreneurial competencies
d. Encouraging the implementation of superior, creative, and innovative learning based on devotion, independence, and wisdom by improving the quality of learning and fulfilling facilities and infrastructure
e. Collaborate with various stakeholders both domestically and abroad
f. Improving service quality by UNY service quality standards
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